Adding An Image Gallery

Here we’re just showcasing a gallery of images and using a bit of ipsum lorem to create balance…having said this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

You’re welcome. and God Bless you. (lol)

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Why I Chose My WordPress Theme

I had a helluva time searching out the right theme–and this really isn’t the one I really wanted! I would love the idea of a minimal theme like this one, but as I kept swapping them out, I had to keep recreating them and dialing them all in just like I’m dialing in this theme.

I want a theme that centers on the minimal and helps to focus the content contained in it–which is why I really do like this theme. The only thing that really rubs me the wrong way is the fact that there are no columns in this theme and all the widgets sit at the bottom of the footer of the site—and if you don’t limit your posts for the end user, then people would be endlessly scrolling toward the bottom to see what else the site has to offer…

I also chose this theme because after experimenting and playing with like, 12 themes, I had to settle in on something because I wasn’t getting my homework done, which is why I am typing this now (lol)

London Calling: Oswald Boateng | 30 Savile Row

I rather enjoyed a trip to Ozwald Boateng’s shop at 30 Savile Row: I was greeted by Mohommed Ouhtit who keeps shop and Michael Dale who looks after press and was given a tour of the masculine, dimly lit, modern interior of the shop (which presented like a proper salon showroom in addition to a storefront) where they’d just done a presentation for London Fashion Week inspired by Africa on safari and given Oswald’s heritage, it’s an easy dot to connect…

The coolest aspects of the presentation weren’t just the amazing suits, but the large brimmed fedoras of bright primary colors such as lavender, green and a bold primary yellow: A fab collab with Laird London

The artisanal leather harnesses that framed the jackets were done beautifully without breaking direction for S/S ’12. Looking around the modern and cleanly merchandised shop, I couldn’t help noticing the other suits and jackets from the current season, which were so beautifully done as well; iridescent splashes of color for which the shop has become known, shone brightly on their pegs against the nostalgia of the row.

Keep smashing Oz.

Photos: Jimmy Hansen | Backstage Photos: Arteh Odjidja